This post is regarding creating drive letter alias instead of changing
drive letter.
Hi All,
One of our client has migrated their IIS site from old server to new server, in their existing code they were having some references set to D: . However on new server there was only one drive C: was available.
Our client requested us to change the drive letter of server`s C: to D: .
Limitation / Risk:
Hi All,
One of our client has migrated their IIS site from old server to new server, in their existing code they were having some references set to D: . However on new server there was only one drive C: was available.
Our client requested us to change the drive letter of server`s C: to D: .
Limitation / Risk:
C: is a System drive and holds critical system data and its references.
Therefor directly changing its drive letter to D: could cause sever issues.we can try with the
below option of creating alias letter for it.
Therefor instead of directly changing its drive letter to D: we tried below trick which did the job for us.
Therefor instead of directly changing its drive letter to D: we tried below trick which did the job for us.
Using this option, we can simply create an Alias D: drive which will be
pointing to C: Drive, From IIS point of view IIS will be serving all the
contents from D: virtually which Physically pointing to and coming from C:
The command which we have used in elevated CMD windows
subst D:
C:\ (This command will create Virtual
Drive D: pointing to C:\ )
Note: Drive letter can be assigned to any folder path also just replace the C:\ path with the required folder.
Note: Drive letter can be assigned to any folder path also just replace the C:\ path with the required folder.
Kindly Share your experience in comment section with my blog/post if it did help you !!
Stay Blessed!!
Thank You!!
Stay Blessed!!
Thank You!!
Was very helpful when using VMware and Shared Folders- Thx!