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Friday, 30 March 2018

Build your own Monitoring System using Open source technologies.

Hi All,
I know and can feel it that it is always important for system and network admins to have their infrastructures performance data well organized and graphical representation of such data is an added advantage, in fact for production and critical environment it is must. 

These requirement gives birth to Monitoring Systems, in today`s world there are bunch of commercial monitoring systems are available but they are pretty much expensive.  

What is I tell you, you can built your own Monitoring System using pure open Source technologies…
Here it is..  
Configuring/building Performance Monitoring System using open source technologies
To build and configure Performance monitoring system 3 main components are needed.
1.       Agent: Which will collect and send the performance metrics at regular interval
2.       Time Series Database: To hold the data send by the agent in systematic manner
3.       Web based front end: To query the data from DB and visualize it in human friendly way

Though there are various options available in each of the above 3 categories, in our case, we have used Telegarf as Agent, InfluxDB as TimeSeries database and Grafana as front end. These 3 components are open source.

Reasons why we chose Telegraf, InfluxDB and Grafana.
1.       Telegraf: Can be installed on Linux/Windows, negligible resource consumption, has built in modules for various system/application metrics like, system, apache, mysql, mongodb, nginx, MSSQL etc. targeting Linux/Windows, highly customizable as we can configure telegraf to collect data from custom shell/batch/PowerShell scripts (these much built in modules and this type of customization is not available in other alternatives of telegraf)

2.       InfluxDB: before jumping on to InfluxDB I have built the system using Elastic search`s ELK stack, but unfortunately its resource consumption was too much. Whereas InfluxDB utilizes very less resources and support SQL like queries.

Grafana:  When it comes to the Metric dashboards Grafana is the best.

System Highlights
1.       Agent`s resource consumption is near to negligible


This telegraf agent is configured to send Windows system metrics, one folder`s file stat metrics as well as metrics from one custom made PowerShell script, which is utilizing negligible CPU and approx. 12MB of RAM.

InfluxDB server`s resource consumption is very less as compare to its alternatives

      Currently 3 servers are reporting their data to InfluxDB server since last 10-12 days and InfluxDB is utilizing negligible CPU, approx. 300MB of RAM and Only 300MB of disk is consumed for database, we will monitor its usage once we add dozens of machines to report to InfluxDB server to verify how InfluxDB performs.

1.       Data communication can be configured on HTTPS with SSL encryption
2.       ACL on front end users
Front end can be configured with separate dashboards for every organization/project, we configure to have access to organization`s/project`s data only. Role based access like view only, Admin, edit can also be configured.

I have used this monitoring stack for monitoring server resources and cisco firewall resources. Below are the snaps, soon a details blog will be available.

Kindly Share your experience in comment section with my blog/post if it did help you !!

Stay Blessed!!  
Thank You!! 


  1. Hello,

    Very nice article, however it's not clear which platform you built this on. ALl i see are exe for telegraf and influx. Is grafana an exe as well if so you built this platform on a Windows Docker or Windows Server,

  2. All the components are running on windows server 2012

  3. Can you just provide customised power shell scripts?

  4. Any chance to share telegraf.conf?


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