Hi Guys,
this is another exciting post on PowerShell. You will find this post very much
useful if you work with MySQL on windows platforms, as this post will tell you
how to address the real-life requirement where one will ask you to provide
solution for MySQL DB backups.
1. Solution to perform daily full backup of MySQL DB
2. Solution to perform archive operations on these DB backups as a 2nd step
3. Solution to perform deletion of DB backup files once step 2 completes
4. Solution to remove DB backup archives older than certain days
5. *Solution to get email alert regarding success/failure of above actions
One of
our environment uses MySQL on windows server and for this I have been tasked
with below requirement.
1. Solution to perform daily full backup of MySQL DB
2. Solution to perform archive operations on these DB backups as a 2nd step
3. Solution to perform deletion of DB backup files once step 2 completes
4. Solution to remove DB backup archives older than certain days
5. *Solution to get email alert regarding success/failure of above actions
So, I
have developed a PowerShell script which will address all these above
requirements, i will discuss this script in this post and you can find the
complete script at the end of this post. If you find these requirements useful
or interesting, then you are at the right place as your goanna get the solution
for these requirements.
Let’s Get
below portion of the script is the beginning of the script. This portion of the
script is consisting of variables and their respective values which will be
utilized during the execution of the script.
Here is
the explanation on the above code
$mysqlpath = "C:\Program
Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\bin"
To set
the MySQl path to the MySQL installed bin folder
$backuppath = "C:\data\BlogDBBackup\"
specify where we need to store the backups
$7zippath = "C:\Program
Files (x86)\7-Zip"
Path for
7zip installation (7zip will be needed for archival feature of this script)
$config = "C:\ADMIN\config.cnf"
file contains the mysql credential (MySQL backup will not work if credentials
are directly placed inside script)
The config files contents simply looks like below.
The config files contents simply looks like below.
$database = "blog"
Name of
the database we want to backup
$errorLog = "C:\ADMIN\error_dump.log"
to log the errors if any
$mymail = "recipient@testing.com"
MailId to which we want alerts
should be sent
$date = Get-Date
$timestamp=""+$date.day +
+ $date.year + "_" +
+ $date.minute
To have the timestamp ready, to
be used while uniquely renaming the DB backups
$backupfile = $backuppath
+ $database
+ "_"
+ $timestamp
Backup file name generation
$backupzip = $backuppath
+ $database
+ "_"
+ $timestamp
Backup archival file name
After all
these variables are set, the next below portion of the script will be consist
of actual operations like backup, archival, deletion and alerting.
better understanding of the above code block please go through below.
#this block is performing backup
CD $mysqlpath
.\mysqldump.exe --defaults-extra-file=$config --log-error=$errorLog --result-file=$backupfile --databases
$database /c
#this block is performing backup
CD $7zippath
.\7z.exe a -tzip
$backupzip $backupfile
#this block is performing delete
operations for .sql file
Del $backupfile
#this block is performing delete
operations for older archives
CD $backuppath
$oldbackups = gci
for($i=0; $i -lt $oldbackups.count; $i++){
if ($oldbackups[$i].CreationTime -lt
$oldbackups[$i] | Remove-Item -Confirm:$false
#this block sending email alert
for successful operations
Send-MailMessage -to $mymail
-From "eg@bkp.com"
-Subject "Success
suject" -Body "MSG body for success" -SmtpServer
#this block sending email alert
for failuer operations
Send-MailMessage -to $mymail
-From "eg@bkp.com"
-Subject "Failuer
subject" -Body "MSG body for failuer" -SmtpServer
So above is the complete solution
for the requirements discussed in this post. Below is the link for the complete
Script Link
Kindly Share your experience in comment section with my blog/post if it did help you !!
Stay Blessed!!
Thank You!!
Kindly Share your experience in comment section with my blog/post if it did help you !!
Stay Blessed!!
Thank You!!
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